Sunday, 21 July 2013

Gift Boxes

Gift Boxes

I always scold my friends for buying gift boxes that cost so much. Why not make your own? Okay maybe it isn't that tough for square boxes, but whatabout boxes with the shape of a love, etc.? I will give it a go next time!

Choose bright and another contrasting colour papers! This will make your boxes stand out. Give it some details to make it more attractive. 

The best part is pen, scissors, glue, papers are all you need :) What are you waiting for, give it a go!

Left: Gift box wrapped using printed out pattern/design. (2nd gift box)
Right: Gift box with hand-drawn pattern (1st box made-not very good looking)

Pokka dots! (4th box)

How did I get the idea of making gift boxes? Thanks to my sister because the main reason is because of her. The thought of making this came to me when my sister asked my dad to buy her a colourful gift boxes so that she could put presents into it and could give it to her friends. The price wasn't cheap at all! Then I gave her some lectures and told her that even I could make one of those.. So the story ends up like this. *A Happy Ending*
Anyway, it would be nice and thoughtful, let alone meaningful, if we could reuse things once in a while.

1. Cut a used up toilet paper roll into two with one thicker than the other. Cover each open-sided end with a cardboard circles. 

2. Design your own patterns and print it out! Any patterns will do. A simple software to design (-PAINT is good enough!)

3. Cut the printed out pattern and wrapped it around your toilet roll.
4. Wrap the other half until you get something that looks like this.

5. Cut out circles to cover the ends and the inside of the box.

6. After covering the inside of both boxes, they should look like as the above picture.

7. Then wrap the inner box with a thick and a thin piece of paper. You can use coloured paper instead. And there you have it! Your own gift boxes. :D 

*You are encouraged to print your patterns on a used paper, after all we are trying to recycle things here.:)

Well, the 4th box is made from this. I got the box from my brother. Haha..

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